087 724 6119

Waterproofing Roofs The Roof Buddies Way

At Roof Buddies we believe in driving customer satisfaction through providing quality roofing services at an affordable price. When it comes to waterproofing roofs, the most annoying thing is a persistent recurring roof leak. Especially one that was supposed to be repaired already and for which the repairs were already paid! 

The fact of the matter is, that the majority of roofing products on the market are developed to assure repair for just over a year, The fact of the matter is that through this recurring income for the manufacturer is then ensured, which they want. At Roof Buddies we have a different approach because we believe in customer satisfaction through providing guarantees over ten years. We therefore only use the best practices and products when waterproofing roofs so that long-lasting roof repairs are achieved. Our proven waterproofing processes are unique to the roof repair industry. This quality ensures that once we waterproof a roof, it is repaired for many years to come.

Roof Waterproofing Methods

We at Roof Buddies employ a very unique process when waterproofing roofs. First, we ensure the roof area is repaired by:

1. oose or broken roof tiles are re-packed and replaced,
2. worn roof ridge mortar is replaced and waterproofed with our unique EDPM rubber fibre,
3. loose roof flashing and overlays are fastened,
4. loose roof screws are replaced,
5. rusted areas are treated with rustproof additives,
6. cracks in concrete roof surfaces are repaired.

When the supervisor on-site is satisfied that the roof is properly repaired, the team cleans the entire roof area to ensure it is free from rust and/or dust. The team then start by applying our unique EDPM rubber waterproofing emulsion to repair all roof leaks. 

The roof area is then inspected by a supervisor for quality after which the team applies two coats of specially formulated high-quality waterproof roof coating to the entire roof area. 

Finally, we complete the whole process by washing the entire roof area to ensure all roof leaks are properly repaired. While the roof is washed the supervisor checks the insides of the roof area for any signs of roof leakage missed.