University study on best roof waterproofing products

Best Roof Waterproofing Products

University study on the best roof waterproofing products in South Africa

Many customers ask us which roof waterproofing products are the best for South African climate conditions. It is a difficult subject as “Best” normally is directly related to the price of the product. We discovered this phenomenon in waterproofing through years of trial and testing.

When you look at waterproofing products in general, one can distinguish between emulsion-based types and membrane-applied types. Here, in layman’s terms, we refer to the emulsion-based products as “EDPM liquid rubber” products. The membrane-applied products are referred to as “Torch-on” products.

For the past few years, there has been an open dispute about which of these two products are the best and most affordable to provide a lasting waterproofing solution to roof leaks. Another aspect that makes it difficult to conclude is the fact that many roofing contractors defend their product as the “Holy Grail”. In practice, we discovered that this outlook is not to the benefit of the customer.

What do we say about which roof waterproofing products are the best?

Our opinion is “We use the product that provides the best results at the best price to the customer”. According to our experience, we discovered that the EDPM liquid rubber range meets this requirement the closest when applied through our unique waterproofing method. We have, through the course of the last 10 years, perfected our application technique to provide the most effective waterproofing service to our customers. What is amazing about this is the fact that it is irrespective of the type of roof structure the customer has.

Recent university studies

We are pleased to say that our unique waterproofing method is backed by a study by the Department of Civil Engineering, at the University of Engineering &Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan. Download the study here. This proves that Roof Buddies surely has been around the block when it comes to using superior roof waterproofing products.

Problems we encountered with Bitumen “Torch-On” Applications

In the early years (2011), we have been solving roof leaks by applying the Bitumen Torch-On products. We have encountered many difficulties with this product, especially in the following areas:

  • They are not suitable for application on pitched roofs, and tiled roofs.
  • Constant safety hazards by applying these products as it involves application through an open flame (torch). Hence the term “Torch-On”.
  • The membrane is only available in black and requires an aluminum topcoat to create the desired protective coating against UV rays and other elements.
  • A limited lifespan of not more than 8 years.
  • It is an expensive solution for the customer.

The Best Waterproofing Roof Invention Since Sliced Bread!

Scientists saw the limitations and dangers of the “Torch-On” products and investigated a possible improved product. This was when they developed the “EDPM liquid rubber” product range which we currently use, and with much success.

We discovered that this product solved all our problems and the shortcomings experienced with “Torch-On” waterproofing. It was virtually indestructible when it came to providing a solution to any type of roof leak.

What also made it exceptional was the fact that it comes in the form of paint that can be applied without danger to almost any roof structure. Then obviously the cost. It was found in the university study that the cost of application is about half the price of the conventional “Torch-On” applications.

“EPDM Liquid Rubber” is the way to go

Without being biased we can say that we simply achieved the best results using the EDPM liquid rubber products, compared to other products such as “Torch-On”. We have noticed that not only is it more effective, but it also provides longer waterproofing qualities at about half the price of what conventional waterproofing methods provide. According to us “EDPM liquid rubber” is the way to go and surely the best roof waterproofing product currently in South Africa.

How can we help you solve your roof leaks?

Do you have a pestering roof leak, or do you require the roof of your house painted? Give Roof Buddies a call! You will be surprised to learn that we can solve the roof leak and give the roof a new look with our “EDPM liquid rubber” coatings. Be rest assured that we only provide the best quality roof repairs, waterproofing of roofs, and roof painting services according to SANS regulations.



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