087 724 6119

Roof Painting Specialists

Our experience painting and renovating roof surfaces has turned Roof Buddies personell into true "Roof Painting Specialists". To achieve a long lasting superior roof paint finish requires skill, meticulous preparation of roof surfaces, and superior quality roof paint. Roof Buddies follows these steps almost like a holy grail. During the years we have discovered that there is no shortcuts when it come to roof painting as the surface areas have to be perfect before any paint can be applied. We use airless spray machines to apply the paint to the roof surface, a method that ensures a superior finish not achievable by any other means such as brushes.

How much does it cost to paint a roof?

The cost of roof painting per square metre depends on many factors and therefore varies from one project to another. Typical factors such as the amount of preparation required, the type of roof structure, and the type of roof paint finishes, contribute towards the overall cost per square metre.

When preparing a roof painting cost estimate the Roof Buddies assessor discuss the above factors with the customer as it greatly influance the matching of expectations towards the desired outcome. 

This approach enables the Roof Buddies assessor to provide comparison cost estimates which makes it easier for the customer to choose the best option according to their budget.